MPDMED | Master in Endoscopic Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

Right from the fetus stage, quality healthcare becomes our fourth basic need. When the wheels started to roll, technology evolved and now it is transforming healthcare making it not only better but also affordable. Several innovations saved time, empowered many to get rid of the expensive price tag and made the cure possible.

  • The foundation of MP Group of Companies is on “Value” Systems – “Value” addition to hospitals, doctors & Clinics, surgeons and patients at home through superior innovative approach, personalized services. All actions are based on stringent “Values” – integrity, confidentiality & commitment. “True Value” for money through a holistic business practice. Finally, “Value” for client satisfaction, predominates our relationship criteria.
  • We are having an integrated full range of medical Equipments, surgical instruments, hospital supplies, healthcare value added services & SAP technologies across all the major healthcare disciplines with synergy of Strategizing and Financing Solutions through our group network of subsidiaries & associates in Asian, African, Middle East & American Countries. A convincing index of our customers loyalty is that nearly 75% of our have been with us for a period of more than 10 Years.
  • In fact we have widest range of products for hospitals, doctors & clinics, surgeons and patients at home. We sell to distributors / wholesalers all over the world who sell our products in their local markets.
  • The company’s innovative approach, personalized services, impressive growth rate and One decades of operational experience has positioned us at leading suppliers in our region. We are widely recognized as the One of the best source to import” because we don’t compromise on quality in exchange for an affordable price. Apart from product quality, we are also reputed for prompt delivery, buyers’ friendly policies, and the team which includes some of the most experienced business and technology professionals.

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